Safeguarding the professionalism of Health Inspectors

On the 8th of October 2015, the Health Inspectors have decided to create an association to safeguard the profession. The Association for Practitioners of Environmental Health (APOEH) was set up with the aim to promote, enhance and safeguard the professionalism of the Environmental Health Officers. This association was set up with the backing of UHM,…

Tfaddil illum għall-pensjoni ta’ għada

  Meta nisma’ l-kelma pensjoni – u din tissemma’ ftit mhux ħażin, moħħi mill-ewwel imur għall-karta anzjan, li naħseb ħafna jippreferu tissejjaħ il-karta tat-terza età għax din tax-xjuħija bla dubju li mhux kulħadd tinżillu tajjeb, għalkemm hija dgħajsa li kulħadd jasalu ż-żmien li jirkeb fuqha! Imma, hi x’inhi, hija l-ewwel pass li jqarreb għall-pensjoni! Hija…