Equip yourself to participate in social dialogue, negotiations and policy development thanks to the Voice of the Workers Project – ESF 4.221

Applications are now open for the training on social dialogue for Maltese workers – online

Two courses are being offered, namely the Bipartite Social Dialogue and the Tripartite Social Dialogue that
you can attend comfortably from your desk

UHM taking part in EU funded project: Young people on the labor market

UHM is proud to be part of an EU Funded Project (part of Erasmus+) entitled “Young People on the Labor Market”. The project aims to help youth in job search and will include studies on University and MCAST students to see whether their aspirations are matched with the employers’ aspirations. Moreover, it aims to perform…

Il-Management ta’ Mater Dei qed jimmina direttivi tal-Paramedic Aides

Minħabba direttivi li hemm fis-seħħ bħalissa mal-Paramedic Aides, il-UĦM b’responsabilta’ xorta waħda ħalliet lill-Paramedic Aides li jipproċessaw dmija kemm ta’ Emergenza u kif ukoll dik tal-Wards. Dawn id-dmija jiġu identifikati permezz ta’ labels apposta li jiddistingu test minn ieħor.